Saturday, February 10, 2018

Three Years Of Blogging, Etc.

Hard to believe it's been three years since we found out Marvel and Sony decided to shit-can Andrew Garfield. Dick move, studios, and I still, to this day, hope that if my books are ever published, Sony is the one major studio that doesn't get the film rights, between this shenanigans and their tendency to spoil almost the entire movie in all their trailers.

In the meantime, though, my books still aren't published, or even picked up by any literary agents. And I still can't be an out-and-proud bi dude in my own house, though I'm a lot more comfortable being so at work, oddly enough. Though, of course, all of this is small potatoes compared to the fact that America is still a shambling zombie nation until such a time as proper, true leadership is restored. And to think they're doing their damnedest to pretend all our freedoms of information shouldn't exist. Taken for granted they may have been, but hopefully no longer.

As with last year's blogoversary post, I don't have a lot new to say, as you can see. Other than this: I'm in therapy now, and I'm hoping it helps me surmount my anxiety and depression as best I can. Though the very first exercise my therapist suggested - progressive muscle relaxation - might not work at the moment. It's supposed to determine where the anxiety and depression rest in my body, and since my whole body aches 'cause I've got a cold or something similar, that's completely throwing off any results I get.

Maybe later, when I'm feeling better physically, I'll be able to get the information my therapist needs.

Till next time, Pinecones...

Remember: Denis Leary is always watching. Always.

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