My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Another excellent, un-put-down-able, high-stakes Alex Cross story for the list. While not as harrowing as the Cross My Heart-Hope To Die duology, this story is still just as personal for Cross, because of the involvement of his family and his old hometown in North Carolina. And let's not forget the unexpected revelations regarding his family's history. They're deeply woven into the book, even within the seemingly unrelated side plot involving a twisted killer down in Florida who may well be the unholy love child of Buffalo Bill and American Horror Story's Liz Taylor. I mean, it got to the point where I kept expecting Coco to say something like, "Bitches want pâté, pâté they shall have!" But believe it or not, it's not just a silly subplot that exists for shock value. The shock value is there, yes, but the subplot is the subtle set-up for the most incredible reveal of the book's final pages.
Any and all Alex Cross fans should look forward to this book, and for those new to the series, it's a pretty good starting point. Unless you're the sort of person who, like me, wants to begin at the beginning every time, if at all possible.
Oh, and one more thing - in my own Dark Ice Chronicles project, protagonist Jason Cross reads this series, among many other Patterson books. With the revelation of Alex Cross' father's name (I don't believe that was done before, was it?), that detail of mine is a tad bit funny in hindsight.
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