My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Last year, Kagawa gave us the midpoint of the Talon Saga, serving us a diabolical Aveyardian cliffhanger to rival some of the most aggravating such examples of 2016 (Glass Sword, of course, and also Empire of Storms.) This year, we're back in Kagawa's best series yet for Book 4 of 5, and while I'd love to get into the particulars of what happens, to do so would lead to some massive, and do I mean MASSIVE, spoilers. No, seriously, the spoilers (happy spoilers for me, but spoilers nonetheless) start right away. But what I can tell you, spoiler free, is that A) we get some much-needed flashbacks to Dante's childhood (and showing that he was a traitor to Ember as far back as the first book), B) you would not believe what Riley does right at the start, and C) the action. Dear God, the action. This book, when it gets made into a movie, is gonna be one of the most expensive ever just from the big battle scene alone.
Only one more book to go, called Inferno...I can't wait to read it next year!
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