Sunday, March 14, 2021

Review: Infinity Reaper

Infinity Reaper Infinity Reaper by Adam Silvera
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I think, like with the first book of Silvera's first official series - thankfully not another duology, though he sure as hell took his sweet time announcing the upcoming third and final novel - Infinity Reaper will get a 3.5 star rating, rounded up to a 4. Though the world-building feels a little more solid than the first book's rather nebulous, not-super-explained effort (having a full list of characters and biographies at the beginning helps), and Silvera makes sure to pick things up right away after the first book's notorious cliffhanger, it also does suffer from a certain overlength problem.
Which, I mean...Silvera grew up on a lot of the same enormous fantasy novels most other millennials did, so it makes sense that he's taking every opportunity he can to emulate those, though updated for Gen Z in every way with lots of contemporary political allegories. That said, though, this nearly 600 page book - Silvera's biggest yet by far - does feel pretty stretched thin and full of dead air at spots. The four POVs don't really help - I still feel like Maribelle doesn't add much to the story, and Brighton, though fleshed out a lot more than his annoying fame-hound personality from Book 1, is still as supremely unlikable as ever. Emil and Ness as the only POVs would be more enjoyable to me, tbh.
But when the action picks up, it picks up into the stratosphere where the phoenixes like to dwell, and once again Silvera ends it on a truly maddening Aveyardian cliffhanger. Maddening because, and Jaroda was right last year too on this:

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