Sunday, September 5, 2021

Review: Bloodless

Bloodless Bloodless by Douglas Preston
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

For the 20th Pendergast novel, Preston and Child bring things up to a level of quality I haven't seen from them in a few years - the best Pendergast novel since at least 2015, and certainly one of the best in the current era of Pendergast partnering with Agent Coldmoon. Though it does feel at times that the D.B. Cooper prologue is far less connected to the main plot in Savannah than it should be, leave it to Pendergast (after a fashion, including a trip up to the Mount Adams Wilderness region not far from my new PNW home) to piece together all the clues and come up with a truly terrifying twist or two as the story wraps up. Though of course it all ends with a couple of cliffhangers as far as ongoing storylines are concerned, but Bloodless is just another Pendergast book for which I wish I still had a bookstore job...

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