Thursday, March 6, 2025

Review: Mister Magic

Mister Magic Mister Magic by Kiersten White
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I’ll be generous with an extra star on this one, but I’m honestly not sure why. Kiersten White has historically been one of those authors whose books, every time I’ve tried one, I’ve come up disappointed, and this was no exception. I get that she’s using this one to work through breaking away from the Mormon world where she was born and raised (and to think I was one of those who found her attempts at queer rep in past books, particularly And I Darken, to suffer from heavy stereotyping, only to now realize the seeds for her leaving the LDS Church have been growing for years.) I get that she’s hopping onto the analog horror train, in the same “cursed 90s kids show” car where Jane Schoenbrun and Ransom Riggs have been riding lately too, not to mention Edgar Cantero some years ago with his god-awful (if somewhat ahead of its time) grimdark Scooby-Doo riff, Meddling Kids. Unfortunately, what sinks this book is its muddled and increasingly nonsensical plot, and characters who fall flatter than pancakes. I think I’ve finally learned my lesson at this point - no more Kiersten White books for me.

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