Friday, July 2, 2021

Review: Witchshadow

Witchshadow Witchshadow by Susan Dennard
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It's been a while since Susan Dennard gifted us with a new novel in this series - and this one, perhaps the darkest and deadliest yet, has been delayed tons of times for tons of reasons. Like a lot of her fellow YA fantasy authors, Dennard's had a lot of health scares in recent years, as I understand it...and apparently she also had to rewrite a huge chunk of the book after sensitivity readers said she'd run into some offensive tropes or another. Can't imagine what, but for sure, Dennard made this book worth the wait...even if her characters would have words with her for what she's done to them. Especially Safi and Iseult, dragged through the wringer as they both are. And need I mention Aeduan? As much as Dennard herself seems to love "Baeduan," it sure as hell doesn't stop her giving him all the most horror she can muster. It's a tough book to read, but at this point, I think we're looking at maaaaaaybe one more book to go? If so, who the hell knows what Dennard has in mind for the finale...or how long it'll take to see it!

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