Thursday, September 12, 2024

Review: Sunrise Nights

Sunrise Nights Sunrise Nights by Jeff Zentner
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

I'm really starting to feel like I'm outgrowing Zentner here, between this book and how I was whelmed at best with Colton Gentry's Third Act. To be fair, this one is very different for Zentner, not only a collaboration with another author (and I've never read anything by Brittany Cavallaro yet, though her solo books do seem interesting), but also partly a novel in verse (half verse and half dialogue, but still somewhat jarring to read), and also no longer in Zentner's usual Deep South settings, but instead in Michigan, which I believe was Cavallaro's idea so no fault to her on that one. But the story in this book just feels like a half-baked, watered-down John Green love story (and I say this being extremely not a fan of John Green), right down to the fact that one of the teenagers in this couple is disabled (though far from just being set-dressing, her degenerative eye condition is pretty essential to her character.) Unfortunately, for me, it's gonna have to be a DNF.

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