Thursday, June 13, 2024

Review: Empire of Silence

Empire of Silence Empire of Silence by Christopher Ruocchio
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I've been kinda sleeping on these books by Christopher Ruocchio for a while, even though they're very frequently recommended, especially for Red Rising fans. I can also see why it gets a blurb from James S.A. Corey, because in a lot of ways, these books are cut from similar cloth to The Expanse - sprawling, epic visions of diverse humanity vs. a weird, sinister alien species, with the author being prolific enough to publish six big books in almost as many years (and working solo, unlike the two dudes behind the Corey pen name.) This book starts out with a lot of promise about how grand and dark the story of our protagonist Hadrian will get - lauded by many and hated by just as many in universe, but this book is more of a tease about what's to come. Hadrian starts out the presumptive heir to a family fortune, but loses his family and his fortune in a few twists of fate that strand him in one of the most backwater systems of the empire, and he's got to use his well taught wits (including multilingual skills) to survive and claw his way back up to power. Naturally, I'll be picking up Book 2 this weekend on my next library visit, so hopefully I'll get to read it soon...

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