Friday, October 22, 2021

Review: Ashfall Legacy

Ashfall Legacy Ashfall Legacy by Pittacus Lore
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A lot of the reviews I see here seem more disappointed in the audio version of this book, so I'm glad I didn't go for that one. Pittacus Lore may be the most infamous ghostwriter in all the loopy-loo YA biz, but I'll be damned if he doesn't pen a good story, and this latest look at a decidedly different kind of alien space opera is no exception. Doing a damn finer job of exploring worlds beyond this than even I Am Number Four, and reminding me a little bit of Charlie Jane Anders' Victories Greater than Death in its gentle deconstruction of genre tropes (though admittedly far less exploratory of gender and sexuality, but hey, when protagonist Sydney is a fan of Octavia Butler, you know he's got good goddamn taste.) The frequent spins on a Superman-type mythos, as well as the unexpected strings of twist after twist, keep the story going at a pretty propulsive pace, and not unlike a lot of Lore's previous novels, it builds up to a very sudden cliffhanger to virtually guarantee a sequel. Oh, how I hope we get to see more Denzan misadventures soon...

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