Monday, July 15, 2024

Review: Demon in White

Demon in White Demon in White by Christopher Ruocchio
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I almost was worried that this book, at nearly 800 pages, would prove too bloated to make me want to continue with this series. How wrong I was. Even with this great size of a book, Ruocchio is really hitting his storytelling stride again. With all sorts of lavish detail to bolster this series’ ever excellent world building…but by far my favorite scenes were in the library with the revelation of the history of the Mericanii lords. From George Washington on down, 77 presidents in all, though the last one was a technocrat under whose rule I’m not surprised Mericanii leadership in civilization ended…consider this a warning from Ruocchio to preserve democracy, especially since this book was written in the tail end of the Trump years.

View all my reviews

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