Monday, July 22, 2024

Review: Under Wildwood

Under Wildwood Under Wildwood by Colin Meloy
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The second sprawling story of the world of Wildwood also demands a Laika-produced claymation film adaptation, so here's really hoping that the Wildwood movie next year does well enough to merit a franchise. For this book, we get a brief glimpse of Prue in the real world of slushy wintertime in St. Johns - if I'd been able to read this book when I was younger, I would be a lot more aware of Portland actually possibly getting snow in the winter before I moved up to Oregon. Then, after a brief visit to the office of some quirky Ukrainians (whose dialogue is pretty damn accurate, based on my brief conversation with a Ukrainian food seller at the Vancouver Mall last weekend), off we go to the Wildwood again, though now with a lot of emphasis on the industrial wastes separating Oregon's Narnia from Oregon's biggest city. That part alone is what demands the Laika adaptation quickest of all, because it'd be something to see how well they capture that industrial vibe - and how well it compares to, say, Chicken Run or Fantastic Mr. Fox.

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