Saturday, July 27, 2024

Review: An Echo of Things to Come

An Echo of Things to Come An Echo of Things to Come by James Islington
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The Licanius Trilogy continues with a 700-plus pager of an epic, including a much-appreciated recap of The Shadow of What Was Lost and the trilogy's expansive backstory. Now, the story continues with a lot more focus on Caeden, whose secret past has been revealed, at least to the reader - and yet there's a lot more pieces to the story than just that shocker of an ending on the first book. As with the first book, An Echo of Things to Come is very much rooted in the style of The Wheel of Time, now with emphasis on the dark side of magic not unlike the tainted saidin, but with a lot more shades of gray in its morality. I've now got Book 3 on order, but it may be a while before it comes to me, because it seems someone else in Vancouver is working their way through the library's few copies on hand...

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