Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Review: Ashes of Man

Ashes of Man Ashes of Man by Christopher Ruocchio
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ruocchio's fifth novel of the Sun Eater would have been a three star comedown for me based on the first 400 pages or so, where the plot really slows down and grinds its gears while setting up the next match on the 4-D chess board. This book does bring great promise of the villains behind the villains, the Cielcin gods who want to truly lay waste to everything and everyone in the known universe, but it takes forever for the story to really advance.

But when it does...

That ending.

Damn you, Ruocchio.

That's why this book earns that fourth star in the end.

View all my reviews

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