Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Review: Disquiet Gods

Disquiet Gods Disquiet Gods by Christopher Ruocchio
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

So it turns out that Ruocchio's original contract for this series with DAW was unexpectedly ended after the fifth book, and the only reason he was able to publish the sixth (and thankfully move past that brutal ending in Ashes of Man) was because his old employer Baen Books came to the rescue. Seems that Baen made the right call, and DAW decided they would get back in the game with this series and soon reissue all the first six books before getting the planned seventh novel, which Ruocchio says will be the conclusion. And in the meantime, there's this fast-paced, wildly epic story setting up the stage for the ending, much like Pierce Brown did with Light Bringer as the Prolonged Prologue to Red God. Now it's just a matter of time to see which of the two young masters, Ruocchio or Brown, finishes his septology first...

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