Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Review: Some Desperate Glory

Some Desperate Glory Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Once again, I find myself picking up the Hugo winner for Best Novel and come up disappointed. And just like last year with T. Kingfisher's Nettle and Bone, there wasn't a sudden long line at the library for it - which should've been a sign to me that the book wasn't going to impress me.

I get that this book is trying to be one of those about a character who has to unlearn how horrible her society is when she realizes how corrupt the leadership is, and how racist and sexist and xenophobic and homophobic and all the other bigotries you can think of. But let's be real, if this book was published five or seven or ten years ago, I'd be willing to bet someone would've written a nearly 10k word blog post all about how horribly offensive and racist and homophobic this book is, and then kiss this book's chances of a Hugo award goodbye, eh?

I'll give this one an extra star because it's not entirely full of unlikable characters, but unfortunately this one was a pretty big misfire for me.

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