Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Review: Take Flight

Take Flight Take Flight by J L Pawley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I guess Pawley is making some steady progress on getting the revamped Generation Icarus series reissued in this new format - I don't think the third book is out yet? But hopefully by the end of this year at least. In the meantime, though, it was great to once again get a throwback to the old Wattpad days with one of the best angel books you're not reading, now in a new form, with a hell of a lot more focus on Tui than I remember (but that's only a good thing, because she's really become one of my favorites in the Flight over the years.) And dear God, did I ever forget how strong the "post dramatic Jess disorder" was with these books...but I should be ready to see how Pawley wraps things up in the newly minted third and final book soon enough...

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