Friday, August 9, 2024

Review: Wildwood Imperium

Wildwood Imperium Wildwood Imperium by Colin Meloy
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Portland's Narnia concludes in a third sprawling, nearly 600-page brick of paper - with some of those pages, as usual, thicker than usual in order to accommodate Carson Ellis's color prints. It does add a little something new for texture - the Chapeaux Noir, a group of French anarchists with plans to bring down the big old Fantastic Mr. Fox style Industrial Wastes, who ultimately give this book some eerie similarities to another Wes Anderson movie that came out years later: The French Dispatch. Definitely more kid-friendly than that particular Anderson movie, though, but that doesn't mean this book doesn't have its moments of darkness. Particularly the ending, which is majorly surprising in how bleak it gets, until suddenly it isn't so much anymore. But it truly is the end for this series, and while I can't say whether or not Laika Studios would get to adapt all three books into a movie, I can only hope they do get the chance, because they'd do it justice.

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