Monday, August 19, 2024

Review: The Light of All That Falls

The Light of All That Falls The Light of All That Falls by James Islington
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

The end...or is it? Because the very end of the book acknowledges that a couple of characters developed a side story of their own that would've been enough for a full length novel in its own right. Definitely not as big a book as any in this series - maybe half the length if that. But I don't think I'd be picking up that spinoff if and when it ever happens, because I love Islington's other series, The Hierarchy, so much more than this one. At least this one brings the main characters' story to an end, and a new beginning of sorts, because it's definitely not a rehash of The Wheel of Time with slightly more interesting characters. At least that ending is worth it for how Chris Nolan-like it really is.

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