Friday, August 30, 2024

Review: The Wren in the Holly Library

The Wren in the Holly Library The Wren in the Holly Library by K.A. Linde
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

If ACOTAR and Crescent City had a baby and raised it on a steady diet of Deborah Harkness novels, it'd be somewhat close to what this book is, and yet a more charitable description than it deserves. I'm definitely a sucker for a bookish kind of leading lady - Belle was always my favorite Disney Princess as a kid - but even Kierse, the Belle of this ball, couldn't carry this book beyond two star territory for me. Oh, how she tried...but then along came the likes of Graves, the rather smarmy and disgusting love interest character who feels less like a Beast and more like a watered-down mashup of Kaz Brekker, Matthew Clairmont, and Edward Cullen, with some truly cringeworthy "sexy" dialogue. Seriously, "what a pretty pussy" made me laugh so hard that I almost quit the book right then and there. Kierse has better chemistry with her ex-girlfriend than she does with Graves, but that's a conversation for another day. For today, though, I'll chalk this one up as yet another romantasy series that I just can't see myself continuing, and unlike with Fourth Wing where I did change my mind, I think I'll stick to that decision this time.

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